The Coral Sea

In Uncategorized by Fran Bryson

I’ve been diving for more decades than I care to count. For a long time this trip to Osprey Reef and the Coral Sea has been on the radar. Finally I managed to do it.

Our boat, Spoilsport, home for the next five nights. I got a cabin to myself!

A moray eel was among the first to greet us.

And, my favourite, a cuttlefish (what’s not to love?)

Some amazing corals – like those you should expect, but often don’t get, on the Great Barrier Reef. Lionfish were plentiful. And giant clams, jeepers, so many clams large and small, purples, greens, and browns.

And more cuttlefish, so well behaved in front of a camera.

And we found Nemo (many times).